Advice and answers from the Seidat Team

Emma Ojapuska
Written by Emma Ojapuska

Text styles and Powerpoint import

To make PowerPoint Import easier, there are few steps to do before you start importing.

This article gives more detailed information on how to manage text styles when importing presentations from PowerPoint. More general information about PowerPoint Import can be found here.

When importing presentations from PowerPoint to Seidat using the "Editable slides" import mode, the text styles might look different in Seidat vs. PowerPoint. The text style that is used in PowerPoint will convert to the closest text style that can be found from Seidat Brand Settings. If you have the same text styles (font, color, size & spacing) in PowerPoint and in Seidat, the text style will look the same in PowerPoint and Seidat. Otherwise, the text style will always be one that can be found from Seidat Brand Settings.

If you want your Seidat presentations' text styles to match the ones you have in PowerPoint, we suggest adding text styles to Seidat Brand Settings before starting the import. Here's how to match PowerPoint text styles to Seidats'.

First, go to Seidat Brand Settings and add a new text style, or edit an existing one. Then edit the text style to match the one that is used in PowerPoint:

  1. Name the text style according to the use case. If the text is used as a white title text in PowerPoint, name it accordingly (example: Title white (50), 50 being the size of the text in Seidat.
  2. Choose the same font family as the one used in PowerPoint. If you can't find the same font family from the list, we might be able to add it for you. Please check more information about fonts here.
  3. Choose the font-weight to match the one you have in PowerPoint.
  4. Convert PowerPoint font size to pixels, with any PT to PX converter that you wish to use. For example font size 38 in PowerPoint converts to size 50 in Seidat. Free converters are available, for example, this one. It is important to remember that the conversions might not be 100% accurate.
  5. Choose the line spacing to match the one that is used in PowerPoint (for example line spacing 1 in PowerPoint is 1 also in Seidat).
  6. Match the letter spacing (character spacing) with the one that you have in PowerPoint by converting it. Character spacing in PowerPoint is determined in "Character spacing" and "More Spacing...".
  7. The value you can set in Seidat for example might be 25. That is +25% to the original letter spacing. Letter spacing of 0.6 points in PowerPoint corresponds to 5 (5%) in Seidat for every 12 points of point size. So 25% letter spacing in Seidat would correspond with a letter spacing of 3 in PowerPoint with 12 font size.
  8. If your size 12 text in Powerpoint is with correct letter spacing, then divide the letter spacing with 0.6 and multiply the result by 5. Insert that number to Seidat to the corresponding text style.
  9. If your text size is larger or smaller than 12, then you need to do another calculation too, divide the font size by 12 and divide the result of the previous calculation with this number.
  10. The calculation might look something like this: The header font in PowerPoint is size 55 and the letter spacing is set at 9. First we divide the 9 with 0.6 (result 15). Then we divide the 55 with 12 (result 4,58) and finally, divide the 15 with 4,58 giving us corresponding letterspacing of 68,7 for the header in Seidat.
  11. You need to calculate each text size individually.

Picture 1.
