Advice and answers from the Seidat Team

Mimi Brandt
Written by Mimi Brandt

Slide map & navigation center

Slide map helps you and your viewers to see where in the presentation you are going. Click the map opens a menu called navigation center.

Slide map

  • You can see the slide map on the bottom right corner of the presentation (picture 1)
  • The slide map allows you and the viewers to see where in the presentation you are going. The darker dot represents where you are in the presentation.
  • Click the map to open the navigation center. The navigation center's tools from top to bottom are described next.

Example of a slide map. The dark grey dot represents the current slide.

Picture 1.

Navigation center

Enter fullscreen mode

  • Click "Toggle fullscreen" to enter or exit fullscreen mode or by pressing "F" on the keyboard to enter and "F" or "ESC" exit fullscreen mode.
  • Fullscreen on Internet Explorer is activated by pressing "F11" on the keyboard.

Enter presentation overview (picture 2.)

  • Click "Toggle overview" to enter or exit overview mode or by pressing "O" on your keyboard.
  • While in Seidat Live or using the presenter window your viewers can only see the slide you are on, not the whole overview.
  • You can navigate easily from the overview by clicking slides. You can also see notes and the current page. If your presenting time is limited you can also start the clock on top.
  • Accessing overview is disabled for receivers of Seidat Live, but receivers of Seidat Link can access the overview.

Open presenter window

  • Click "Open presenter window" to open the presenter window into a new tab. Keep this tab on the screen you are only seeing (I.E. your laptop's screen) and drag the original window to the screen your viewers see.
  • Toggle fullscreen on the window that your viewers are viewing. 
  • You can change slides from the presenter window and it will change on the other screen.

Toggle navigator arrows

  • You can activate the navigator arrows while presenting with a touchscreen device (mobile phone, tablet, etc.).
  • This allows you to press the arrows to change the slide.
  • Press in the middle of the arrows to show the navigation center menu again.
  • Activating navigator arrows disables slide map.

Toggle autoplay

  • You can activate autoplay to change the slides automatically after a set time (in seconds).
  • This is handy in trade fairs for example.
  • The time each slide is shown can be set in presentation settings. The set time is used for all pages. If you have slides that have to be shown for longer, contact our support to get a custom autoplay to your presentations.
  • You can pause and continue playing from the bottom left from the autoplay timer (picture 3).
  • Autoplay can also be paused by pressing the spacebar on the keyboard.
  • You can hide the autoplay timer by hiding the map (see next tool).

Show only on hover

  • Hides the slide map from play mode, can be seen by hovering the mouse on the bottom right corner.
  • Hiding the map will also hide the autoplay timer if autoplay is in use.
  • If you are hiding the slide map while using Seidat Live, it will not hide the map automatically from your viewers. The map can be hidden by using Seidat's URL parameters. 

Picture 2.

Picture 3.
