My account
Edit your contact details, workspaces and create new workspaces under My account
You can change your personal account's settings by pressing "My account" on the dashboard (See picture 1.).
Picture 1.
From "Shared with me" you can see materials that have been shared with you by using the "Direct share"
From "My account" you can see and fill in your personal details (Picture 2).
From "My workspaces" you can see all the workspaces you are part of. You can create new workspaces from the "My workspaces" tab by pressing the "Create new workspace" button. You can see every workspace you are part of and all the workspaces you are an owner of. You can leave workspaces, where you are not the owner.
From "My signatures" you can see all the documents you have signed via eSign. More about eSign here
Picture 2.