Advice and answers from the Seidat Team

Emma Ojapuska
Written by Emma Ojapuska

User management

Manage your team by adding, removing and editing each user's access level to keep your team working in the most efficient way.

  • Centralized user management can be found under the "Users" tab, which can be accessed from the dashboard.
  • You can invite and remove users from your team if you are an "Admin" or an "Owner".
  • Admins and Owners are able to change each user's access level individually by clicking the three dots next to the user's name on the "Users" tab.
  • Grant users in your team only the rights they genuinely need. There is infrequently an actual need to have all as admins or brand managers.

User access levels in a nutshell

  • Owner is an admin with a special "Show hidden" button on the dashboard. Clicking "Show hidden" reveals all hidden presentations to the owner making it possible to claim them back. Only owners can remove other owners or change their access levels.
  • Admin can remove, add and change user's access in the team.

Content managers

All content managers (Brand managers, Smart slide editors, and Editors) can create and import new presentations and edit all slides and presentations by default. On top of that:

  • Brand managers can edit brand settings and smart slides.
  • Smart slide editors can edit smart slides and transform any slide into a smart slide.
  • Editors can transform a smart slide into a normal slide and edit the normal slide. Editors cannot make a normal slide into a smart slide.

Other users

  • Sharers can create links and present any presentation. Only if given a presentation access level to edit a presentation this user can edit.
  • Viewers can view and present any presentation. Only if given a presentation access level to share or edit a presentation this user can do so.
  • No rights as a default cannot do anything. However, if given a presentation access level to either view, share or edit a presentation, this user can do so.

Adding new team members

  • Adding new users is simple, click "invite users" on the "users" tab, and input their email address(es) into the box that appears. Define which team access level you want to give to the new team member(s) and click "invite". New members will receive an invitation to join the Seidat team by email.

Removal of users

  • If a team member no longer needs Seidat or leaves the organization, they can be easily removed from the team by the admin or owner.
  • You can remove yourself from a team from this tab or from under the "My Account" tab