Advice and answers from the Seidat Team

Emma Ojapuska
Written by Emma Ojapuska

Transferring material from one workspace to another

Need to get your material to a new Seidat workspace? Check few options to do so.

Direct transfer is possible

  • It is possible to transfer presentations from one workspace to another for an extra fee. Contact us for more information.

Converting personal accounts to a workspacewith all the presentations, images, etc.

  • A personal account in Seidat is free and is meant only for private use. You can convert your personal account to a workspaceat any point. This is done by signing in to the personal team and pressing "Users" or "Settings" at the top bar. A selection screen will open where you can select the plan. Choosing a workspace will convert the account to a workspace and a free trial will begin.

  • All material will stay in the workspace and you do not have to create it again.

  • It is also possible to downgrade from a team to a personal account.

Workaround to transfer presentation from one workspace to another

Solution 1

Presentations can be created for another workspace manually. 

  • Download the pictures from the original workspace, upload them to the new team.

  • Edit brand settings to match the original workspace's.

  • Create a presentation and create the required pages.

  • Copy-paste text and add images and other elements.

Solution 2

Semi-manual way (PDF->PPT->Import PowerPoint)

  • Download the presentation as a PDF from sharing tab.

  • Use Adobe Acrobat Reader, or similar service to convert the PDF to .ppt-file.

  • Once you have to PowerPoint-file you can upload it to a workspace (not personal account).

  • The presentation is close, but not identical to the original. The pictures might have lost some quality in the converting steps. The fonts might be slightly off, but can be easily adjusted. Other elements might have moved or changed a bit and might be required to be downloaded from the original workspace and uploaded to the new workspace.
