Advice and answers from the Seidat Team

Emma Ojapuska
Written by Emma Ojapuska

Text tool

How to format your text: italic, bold, underline, strikethrough, subscript & superscript, numbered list, etc.

Adding text

  • Click the Text button (A) to create a new text box.
  • You can start typing text.
  • De-select the text element by clicking around the box.
  • You can now move by dragging the element (hold the mouse's left button, click and drag).
  • Stretch the box to the desired shape from the corners or sides (white dots).
  • Re-enter to edit the text by double-clicking the box.

Text formatting

  • While the text element is active, you can see the text toolbar at the top of the editor (see picture below).

  • Lock element: the will be locked, meaning that the element will be locked and it can't be moved / edited. After locking, the element cannot be accessed from the editor; the lock can be removed from the properties tab on the top right corner of the editor
  • Lock position element: the element position will be locked, but the text can still be edited.
  • Copy: copies the chosen item
  • Paste: pastes the copied item
  • Remove: deletes the chosen item
  • Bring forward: brings the chosen element forward
  • Send backward: send the chosen element backward
  • Shape color (not available in the text editor). You can change the color of the fonts in brand settings if you have brand manager rights.
  • Shape transparency: changes the transparency of the text
  • Text styles: you can select text styles that have been created in brand settings
  • Bold: Example text
  • Italic: Example text
  • Underline: Example text
  • Numbered list: creates ordered lists (1., 2., 3., etc.)
  • Bulleted list: creates unordered lists
  • Clear formatting: resets the formatting of the text
  • Alignment: Align the text; choose to justify, left, the center of right, align
  • Undo: undoes your last move
  • Redo: redoes your last move

Adding strikethrough

You can add strikethrough to a text by selecting the text you want to strikethrough and then using the keyboard shortcut:

  • Mac: Shift + Command + X
  • Windows: Shift + Ctrl + X

Adding subscript & superscript

You can add subscripts and superscripts to a text by selecting the text and then using the keyboard shortcut (same for Mac & Windows):

  • Subscript: Control + =
  • Superscritpt Shift + Control + =

NOTE! The equal sign (=) works for the US keyboard; for any other keyboard, the equal sign (=) will be whatever character is left of the backspace, for example on the Finnish keyboard, it will be ยด (acute accent).


  • You can do text formatting to the whole text box or only to a part of the text in the box.
  • You can select multiple text elements simultaneously by pressing the SHIFT button and clicking the desired textboxes or dragging the mouse over the text boxes. Note that the text toolbar will not appear if you select anything besides text elements.
  • All the text styles have to be created first in brand settings. You cannot change the font, color, and size in the slide editor. This helps to keep the presentations' look consistent with the company's brand guidelines.
  • The text element adds a new line when the text cannot fit the current line. You can reshape the text to fit other content after.
  • The text editor doesn't hyphenate automatically, but you can force hyphenate by adding a hyphen (-) at the correct spot.