Advice and answers from the Seidat Team

Emma Ojapuska
Written by Emma Ojapuska

Tables on slides

How to create and edit tables on slides in Seidat.

Tables are a powerful way to organize and display data in your Seidat presentations; they help convey information clearly and concisely, making your presentations more effective.

1. Inserting a table

  • Navigate to the slide where you want to insert the table.

  • Click on the table icon on the left side of the slide to add a new table to the slide (see the image below)

2. Adjust the table structure

  • After inserting the table, you'll see a basic grid layout

  • You can modify the number of rows and columns by clicking the plus and minus icons on the table's edges

  • You can drag the side of an individual row or column to make it wider or narrower

3. Editing table content & Formatting cells

  • Click on any cell within the table to enter your data. You can type text, numbers, or any characters.

  • Customize the appearance of your table by selecting cells or groups of cells and using the formatting options above the slide. You can change the text alignment, font, size, color, and more to match your presentation style.

  • You can adjust the borders' thickness and color and the color of the cells from the formatting options above the slide. Choose "No fill" if you want your cells to be transparent (see image below)

Keyboard shortcuts

  • Enter takes you one cell down

  • Shift+Enter takes you one cell up

  • Mac users: Cmd+Enter; Windows users: Ctrl+Enter puts a new line in the cell

  • Tab takes you one cell to the right

  • Shift+Tab takes you one cell left
