Advice and answers from the Seidat Team

Emma Ojapuska
Written by Emma Ojapuska

Supported browsers

Seidat as a web-app works on a browser, make sure your browser is always updated.

Seidat supports all major browsers (list below). To have the most stable and best experience when using Seidat make sure to update your browser frequently.

All browsers listed below are supported on their latest version. If using Seidat with an old version of the browser, you might lose some of the features. If you are encountering problems make sure to update and re-launch your browser. 

Seidat presenting and shared links are supported on all major browsers on their most recent versions. For editing presentations, we recommend using the latest version of Google Chrome. 

Supported browsers on a desktop are:

  • Google Chrome (recommended)
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Opera
  • Safari

Supported browsers on mobile are:

  • Android native browser, starting with Android 4.4
  • Chrome for Android
  • Firefox for Android
  • iOS Safari, starting on iOS 6

Browsers specifically not supported:

  • Internet Explorer
  • iOS Safari on iOS 5, including iPad 1, or other iOS devices that are not updated to higher OS
  • Opera Mini
  • Android native browsers on devices running Android 2.x-4.3