Advice and answers from the Seidat Team

Emma Ojapuska
Written by Emma Ojapuska

Smart slides

Smart slides save time and trouble. Make sure to use them efficiently.

Smart slides help you keep multiple presentations up-to-date with less manual work. Smart slides are slides that can be used in multiple presentations at the same time. Once you update a smart slide in one presentation, the updates can be seen in all other presentations too (where the smart slide was used).

  • Only a "Smart slide editor" or "Brand manager" can edit smart slides or convert a normal slide into a smart slide. All users can utilize smart slides in their presentations. Editors can convert a smart slide into a normal slide.

  • Smart slides can be distinguished from other normal slides by the icon on the top right corner of the slide (chain icon).

  • If you delete one smart slide from a presentation, the other linked slides will remain.

  • The placement of the Smart slide in a presentation does not affect the other copies of the smart slide.

Best practices with smart slides

Use Smart Slides anywhere possible

  • Smart slides are most useful when they are utilized in most presentations. Only consider having a slide as a normal slide if it is customized for each presentation.

Tag the smart slides

  • Smart slide editors can add tags to smart slides for easier filtering. Tags can be added from the Smart slides - tab. Here's more about tags for smart slides.

Name the slides as descriptively as possible

  • Have the topic in the name (i.e. training, the product's name, etc.).

  • If your slides have multiple language versions, use the same name for each language version. This helps you to find the corresponding slide with all the different language versions. Sort the pages in alphabetical order to find similar pages or use the search field to find specific pages.

  • Add the language identifier to each page name (ENG, FI, PL, CH, etc.). This allows you to find all the pages in that language by typing the language identifier into the search bar.

Clean up occasionally

  • There might be multiple slides that are identical or close to being identical. You can easily merge those slides by selecting those and pressing merge at the bottom of the page. Here's a video tutorial.

  • Also, if a slide is not needed anymore as a smart slide, it can be deleted. It does not remove the slide from the presentations it was used in.

Managing all your smart slides

You can find all your team's smart slides by navigating to the smart slides tab from the dashboard. 

  • Arrange your smart slides from the right corner or search for a specific slide. You can also use tags to filter out the smart slides.

  • Create new smart slides.

  • Delete any existing smart slide. This will not delete the slide from any presentation it is used in, but it will remove the links between the slides.

  • Merging multiple smart slides will replace other slides with the selected slide. 

  • See how many presentations the slide is being used in.

How to make the normal slides smart?

  • If you want to convert a normal slide to a smart slide, click the ellipses on top of the slide when editing the presentation. Clicking "Make smart slide" converts the slide to a smart slide.

  • Note that the slide will appear in the smart slide bank as a new smart slide. If you wish to merge it with an existing slide, you must do it manually.

Add smart slides to your presentation from slide Bank

When adding slides to a presentation from the slide bank, Smart Slides can be found in a separate folder as well as in any of the presentations they are used in.
