Advice and answers from the Seidat Team

Emma Ojapuska
Written by Emma Ojapuska

Slide bank

How to add slides from one presentation to another with slide bank.

Slide bank simplifies your workflow by allowing you to copy slides from previously made presentations.

  • To add slides from the slide bank, click the "Add from slide bank" button from an empty space in the presentation (picture below)

  • The slide bank will appear on the right side of the screen.
  • You can start by selecting the presentation you want to add the slides from.
  • You can also search for the correct presentation by its name and use tags to filter out the presentations.
  • Click the slides you want to copy
  • The slide copies will appear as smart slides or normal slides, as they are in the source presentation.
  • Note that the blue outline on the slide map tells you where you are pasting the slide currently. You can switch this by clicking the empty spot's "Add from slide bank" button.

Note that you will not see presentations that are hidden from you in the list of presentations. So if somebody has hidden a presentation from you, you can't add slides from that presentation.
