Advice and answers from the Seidat Team

Emma Ojapuska
Written by Emma Ojapuska

Pop-up navigation info for new shared link openers

How to make sure presentation viewers know how to navigate through the presentation?

If you send Seidat presentations with a link to people who have never used Seidat presentations, you might not be sure they know how to navigate through the matrix structure. We have two solutions that make sure the viewers won't miss a slide!

By default, everyone who opens a presentation from a Seidat link for the first time ever will get a pop-up guidance on navigating the presentation (gif below). If you want to see how this works in real life, open a Seidat link in a new incognito window.

Another way to make sure the viewers won't miss a slide is to add a URL parameter that forces the viewer to scroll through every stack of slides till the end before moving to the next one.

Instructions on how to add the URL parameter:

  1. Create a Seidat link (in browse mode)
  2. Navigate to the right end of the link and click "sharing options"
  3. Select "sequential navigation (up and down only)
  4. Click save and close
  5. Now your link has ?seq=1 parameter that will force all viewers to scroll the presentation up and down only (not from left to right).

Note! The URL parameter always needs to be added BEFORE sending the link.
