Advice and answers from the Seidat Team

Joona Taskinen
Written by Joona Taskinen

Pipedrive placeholders that are automatically mapped

You can find and replace text on the presentations from any field on the Pipedrive deal. Default fields are automatically mapped.

You can type these placeholder texts on any normal slide on your presentations. When creating the automation, the integration will map these automatically. You can change the mapping if required.

Any text can be written in curly brackets {{}} as a placeholder and mapped manually. Placeholders on smart slides are not updated as smart slide updates are not supported by the integration.

Placeholder for Seidat presentations, field name in English, field name in Finnish

{{deal_title}}, Deal title, Kaupan otsikko

{{deal_owner}}, Deal owner, Kaupan omistajan nimi

{{deal_owner_email}}, Deal owner email, Kaupan omistajan sähköposti

{{deal_organization_name}}, Deal organization name, Kaupan organisaatio

{{deal_organization_address}}, Deal organization address, Kaupan organisaation osoite

{{deal_person_name}}, Deal person name, Kaupan yhteyshenkilön nimi (koko nimi)

{{deal_person_organization}}, Deal person organization, Kaupan yhteyshenkilön yritys*

{{deal_person_phone}}, Deal person phone number, Kaupan yhteyshenkilön puhelinnumero

{{deal_person_email}}, Deal person email, Kaupan yhteyshenkilön sähköpostiosoite

{{deal_last_stage_change}}, Last stage change, Viimeisin vaiheen muutos

{{deal_last_activity_date}}, Last activity date, Viimeisimmän aktiviteetin päivämäärä

{{deal_next_activity_date}}, Next activity date, Seuraavan aktiviteetin päivämäärä

{{deal_update_time}}, Update time, Päivitysaika

{{deal_expected_close_date}}, Expected close date, Oletettu päättämispäivämäärä

{{deal_value}}, Deal value, Kaupan arvo

*typically same as deal organization name, but the contact person can be part of multiple other companies than the deal company.
