How to organise your presentations on dashboard
How to pin your most used presentations and use tags to organize all presentations.
How to find your most used presentations on the dashboard
You can pin any presentation you need to find often to your dashboard by clicking the pin icon on the presentation on the dashboard
After pinning, the presentation will always be the first on the dashboard
Pinned presentations are only pinned for the user who clicks the pin
How to organize and filter the presentations on the dashboard
In Seidat, we use tags instead of folders to organize presentations on the dashboard. Tags will let you filter all presentations according to your needs.
Click the tag icon on the dashboard to find the tags that are available for your Seidat workspace.
Pin your most used tags to be always visible on the dashboard. Open the list of tags and press the pin icon for all the tags you want to pin.
Activate and deactivate any pinned tag by pressing the tag button.
Activate any unpinned tag by opening the list and clicking from the tag.
You can toggle multiple tags at the same time and narrow the search.
To add or edit tags of already existing presentations click the tags on the presentation
How to edit the list of tags and add new tags to the workspace (for Brand managers)
Tags can be added and edited only by Brand management user access level users. Any user can add these tags to presentations.
Open the list of tags on the dashboard and click "Edit tags" from the bottom of the list.
Add new tags by typing in the new tag and pressing "Add tag." You can also edit the name of existing tags.
The added tags are added to every user's tag list.
Tags can be removed by pressing the trashcan icon. All the corresponding tags will be deleted from the presentations.
You can also set workspace tag defaults to make it easier for your users to use tags.
Default pinned tags are tags that are pinned on all new users' dashboards (grey tags on the screenshot below)
The selected tags are tags that are selected for all users who log in and out (blue tag on the screenshot below)
If you copy a presentation, the tags will copy too. Make sure you keep the tags up-to-date after copying presentations.
The earlier you start to use tags on your workspace, the better.