Advice and answers from the Seidat Team

Emma Ojapuska
Written by Emma Ojapuska

Embed tables, charts and docs from Google to Seidat

Bring your Google Sheets tables and charts, and Google Docs to Seidat in just a few steps.

It's easy to embed Google Sheets & Docs in Seidat. They update automatically to the latest version (every 5 minutes) and are visible to all presentation viewers.

Note! When you create a link for the embed, remember to set the privacy settings so that the sheet / doc is visible to people outside your organization (Image below).

Embedding a table

  • Open the Google Sheet you want to embed.
  • In the top bar, click File > Share > Publish to the web.
  • Select the current sheet and click Publish.
  • Copy the URL and paste it to a new iframe in Seidat
  • If you want to embed only the table and hide all the other parts of the sheet, add a parameter to the end of the link. Write &chrome=false to the end of the link to hide everything else

Embedding a chart

  • Open the Google Sheet where you have the chart.
  • Click the three dots on the chart and select Publish chart
  • Copy the URL and paste it to a new iframe in Seidat

Embedding a Doc

  • Open the Google Doc that you want to embed
  • In the top bar, click File > Share > Publish to the web.
  • Click Embed and copy ONLY THE URL that is in quotation marks and paste it to a new iframe in Seidat (see image below)
