Advice and answers from the Seidat Team

Emma Ojapuska
Written by Emma Ojapuska

Duplicating a presentation

Duplicate existing presentations to save time.

Copying a presentation in Seidat is simple and straightforward. 

Why would you copy a presentation? 

  • You have a "master" presentation and want a stripped version for a specific use. For example, every salesperson can take a copy of the presentation and add their contact pages and other customized content while keeping the original "master" presentation untouched. 

  • You want to create a new presentation completely, but you want to use the structure, look, and content to some extent. Copying and editing the copy allows you to use the old presentation as a template.

  • You want to customize the presentation to a specific group. Customer-customized presentations add a touch of personality.

Having slides converted into smart slides eliminates the unnecessary editing of multiple presentations in the long run. If the slides are smart slides, it is enough that they are updated from one place; the changes will occur on all presentations where that smart slide is used.

How to duplicate a presentation

  • Duplicate presentation from the dashboard by pressing the "Duplicate presentation" -button on the presentation

  • In the popup, you can change the name, tags, and presentation access.

  • If the dashboard is organized with "Date Created," the new copied presentation will appear at the top.

Once the presentation is copied, you can freely modify it in any way. 

What will be copied?

The whole presentation as is including:

  • Smart slides will remain linked (the linking can be removed later if required)

  • All non-smart slides will remain independent pages (can be converted to smart slides later if required)

  • Tags will be the same in both presentations (can be modified later to fit the need)

  • Links

  • Presentation access levels will remain if the original presentation had them set. 

What will NOT be copied?

  • Any shared links or e-signatures to the original presentation. These will continue to work on the previous presentation, and new ones can be created for both.

Who can copy a presentation?

In a default situation, a presentation can be copied by anyone with editing rights in the workspace. However, this can be limited or made possible for users with lower-than-editing rights (sharer, viewer, and no-rights). If the presentation access level is limited to "Hidden (no rights)," only the editors of the hidden presentation can create a copy. If the presentation access level is set to "Sharing" or "Viewing," anyone with editor, smart slide editor, or brand manager rights can copy the presentation.
