Advice and answers from the Seidat Team

Mimi Brandt
Written by Mimi Brandt

Add images and screenshots to Seidat slide

How to add images and screenshots to Seidat slide without saving them on your computer first.

  1. Images from the internet - Go and choose the image you want from the internet and simply copy it, then open your image bank in the app and find the right folder where you want to store it. After this you will open the image uploader, move your cursor outside of the uploader box, and click. Then just paste the copied image pressing Command + V (Mac) or Ctrl + V (windows), and click upload. Don't forget to name your image for clarity. Lastly add your image to the slide.
  2. Screenshots - When you only want to capture a certain are of your screen to the clipboard; screenshot it, you can do so by pressing command+shift+4 (Mac) or Windows logo key+shift+S (Windows), and drag over the area that you need. Go back to the slide and press on your placeholder image and then the "change image" icon on the top bar. Now again press upload to open the image uploader and paste and finish uploading it like mentioned in the first example.